I've been exploring lots of ways of making money online, but it's hard to know what's legitimate or worthwhile. The folks at Internet Marketing Report Card are compiling a site full of reviews for services like Entrecard, Adgitize, paid survey sites, web hosts, and much more.
IM Report Card needs people who have tried out various internet marketing programs and products to give their opinions on them. If you've read ebooks, signed up for programs, or anything to do with making money online, you can give your opinion and get rewarded for it too. IM Report Card gives between 50 and 150 points for each 100+ word review you write on their site (one point = one US cent). You also get points for rating reviews and grading products, and extra points if people think your review is helpful.
I think that Internet Marketing Report Card has a lot of promise in becoming an authoritative resource for what sites are scams and what are legitimate for promoting websites and making money. Plus it's fun! :) Who doesn't like giving their opinion?
There are a few limitations set by the website's owners to ensure a quality site. First, if you click through things too fast, they make you stop and slow down. You have to actually read the reviews before clicking the 'helpful' button. Second, you have to write reviews before you can rate things. Once your review is approved, then you can grade websites and mark comments as helpful or unhelpful. Other than those few pitfalls, this site is easy and enjoyable to use.
I'm going to offer a bonus to anyone who signs up under my referral. After your first cashout (the minimum cashout is $20), I will send you a bonus $5. Just email me at echidna.caribou at gmail.com after you've made your first cashout and I'll send you 5 more dollars via PayPal. You must sign up under my referral link, here. It's my way of thanking you for helping me!
I highly recommend you give Internet Marketing Report Card a try. You don't have anything to lose, and you'll probably learn something too. Good luck!
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