I love Adgitize! After mediocre results with other advertising programs, both as a publisher and an advertiser, Adgitize has restored my faith in running ads and in displaying ads. Adgitize is a program that works for me, and boy does it work great.
Adgitize for publishers is based on a points system, with a maximum of 500 points per day. You get points through clicking on ads, pageviews, ad views, being an advertiser, and writing a blog post for the day. Your points are converted into money, and at the end of the month you get paid.
To advertise for the month on the Adgitize network costs $14 - and every month that I have advertised with Adgitize, I've earned more than my $14 back. Usually I earn about $20-$25 advertising with Adgitize.
Adgitize also works especially great for people who are Entrecard members, because you can do your Adgitize ad clicks and Entrecard drops at the same time, with very little effort.
I highly recommend the Adgitize advertising network. It is growing every day and giving more and more bloggers success. Advertising on Adgitize has given me 2000 extra visitors per month, for $14 that gets paid back to me at the end of the month. If you publish blog posts regularly (write posts in advance) and do your clicks, you will probably make back the $14 Adgitize ad cost (that's 50 cents per day).

Give Adgitize a try, especially if you already use Entrecard. I find it hugely rewarding.
please update your blog post because since today you can get 600 points instead of 500 points. The additional 100 points are for buying more than one ad for different blogs.
More points, more money. And the ads get a discount price
but read it here... http://cornys-moneypage.blogspot.com
As soon as I get my traffic up a little more, I am going to Adgetize my blog. Thanks for the testimonial.