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Understanding DoFollow and NoFollow links

Start reading some blogs about blogging, and I give you about ten minutes before you read something about dofollow and nofollow relations. Dofollow and Nofollow are important concepts for website building and search engine optimization, but they can be hard to understand.

Dofollow and Nofollow are all about backlinks, and what those backlinks will do. Traditionally, a backlink will pass PageRank to the linked site. This is what rel=dofollow does. However, if for whatever reason a website owner does not wish to pass along PageRank to their link, they can use rel=nofollow.

Setting a blog's comments to nofollow discourages comment spammers, who are out looking for PageRank-passing backlinks in the form of spam comments left on popular blog posts. However, it can also discourage comments in general. People can set their comments as dofollow as an incentive to helpful commenters.

By default, Blogspot, Wordpress, and Typepad comments are nofollow. There are plugins that can change the comments to dofollow if the owner wishes. However, since many bloggers do not understand the difference between dofollow and nofollow, few people ever choose to change the default settings, so unless you see it stated that the blog is dofollow (such as You Comment - I Follow), you can assume that the blog is nofollow.


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